On the Wings of a Godwit
‘On the Wings of a Godwit’ is an immersive, online guided meditation of music, birdsong and spoken word that takes the listener on a journey from the continental shores of Australasia to the tundra of Siberia. We invite you, the listener, to become a migratory bird, overwintering between your summer homes, following a flyway path that has been travelled for thousands of years.
Stop, listen, breathe, and take flight with this meditative journey created by renowned Australian artist Kate Gorringe-Smith (The Overwinting Project) and award-winning musicians and soundscape designers the Bowerbird Collective, Simone Slattery (violin) and Anthony Albrecht (cello).
To celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on October 10 2020, supported by the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership and Burung Indonesia, an Indonesian version was created in collaboration with Alfira O’Sullivan, Artistic Director of Suara Indonesia Dance.
Bergabunglah dengan Burung Indonesia dalam sebuah perjalanan musikal yang unik tentang salah satu migrasi terbesar di dunia. “Di sayap-sayap burung Biru-Laut ekor-blorok” merupakan pertunjukan daring untuk merayakan Hari Migrasi Burung Dunia, hasil kolaborasi dengan Kemitraan untuk Jalur Terbang Asia Timur-Australasia. Produksi dan penampilan oleh seniman terbaik dari Australia (Simone Slattery, Anthony Albrecht dan Kate Gorringe-Smith) dan Indonesia (Alfira O’Sullivan), ini adalah pengalaman audio selama 20 menit yang sayang untuk dilewatkan pada 10 Oktober nanti. Tautan Youtube di sini.